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How do you move a mountain?

What do you do when there is a mountain in your way? The story of Dashrath Manjhi can inspire us. When his wife died because he was unable to get her to the hospital to receive urgent medical care, Manjhi did what seemed impossible. He spent twenty-two years chiseling a massive gap in a mountain so other villagers could get to the local hospital to receive the medical care they needed. Before he died, the government of India celebrated him for his achievement.

There are examples of this kind of passion-from-pain-fed fortitude all around us: Jenny's Law, Megan's Law, Hearts Set Free, Save One, Care Net, March for Life, Life Outreach, various Foundations and organizations created because a loved one has died after enduring extreme challenges or someone looks at horrific conditions others are enduring and step in to help.

When the exiles in Jerusalem rebuilt the temple, God's message to encourage them when they felt the job was too big for them: "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord." (Zech. 4:6)

Fed by compassion, by the Holy Spirit's tug on our hearts, we can look at something terrible, bring it to God, and cooperate with Him to make something good happen because of it. "All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose." (Rom. 8:28)

What is is you are fueled by? What injustice, what difficulty, what situation seems so insurmountable you think human effort alone can't fully address? don't stop there. Your passionate prayer, God's eternal empowerment, and others' partnership can and will "make a way where there is

no way" by the spirit of God you can move a mountain!

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