Hello From the Other Side...
The people we often look up to are generally those who have been through something that we struggle with and come through the other side successfully. If we struggle financially, we look up to those who have made good financial choices and do not seem to have the same struggles we have. If we are young in our marriages, we look up to the parents and grandparents in our lives celebrating 30, 40, 50 years of marriage - and are still loving, giving and sharing their lives with each other. They are people we want to emulate.
But what if the thing we're struggling with seems too shameful to reach out to others? will we stay silent? will we remain isolated in our pain because we don't want to be embarrassed?
Relationships - like true discipleship, mentorship, and godly counsel - with those who have "been there, done that" are CRUCIAL in overcoming these mindsets. Alcoholics Anonymous has an astounding track record since 1935 of helping those caught in addictive cycles of alcoholism of finding freedom by sharing their "experience, strength and hope" from the sober side of addiction. Although backsliding or "falling off the wagon" can and does happen, it is clearly understood in those circles that beginning again with day one is not just a goal, but a necessity for life to continue and for ultimate success in finding continued and sustained sobriety.
So why do so many of us get sidetracked by the thought that anything else we struggle with is just too hard to fight against and we should just give it up as a hopeless dream of freedom we cannot attain? Overeating, pornography, gossip, explosive acts of anger, and so many other harmful behaviors are just as "overcomable" - if we seek the Biblical remedy James shared over 2,000 years ago: "confess your sins one to another that you may be healed." (Jas. 5:16)
So it is with the emotional wreckage of abortion. Organizations like Silent No More, Care Net, and others have clearly adopted a mentorship mentality when it comes to post-abortion recovery. Whether you've heard of them or not, Bible studies like "Forgiven and Set Free" and "Abortion Surrendered", and companion resources like Facilitating Biblical Healing, operate from a "been there, done that" point of view - that those who have been hurt and healed in similar ways, are the go-to people for those who are desperate to reach the healed side of their experiences.
If you are post-abortive, like me, even if you think like I once did :-) that "this is as good as you're ever going to get" because "it's been too long" to change, contact someone who has been to the other side of freedom. Contact Silent No More Awareness Campaign online and let them direct you to a center or organization near you who can help you unpack and put to rest for good, the pain, shame and regret you're experiencing and acting out of. Or contact ME on this website! I can direct you to a place near you! You will be amazed at the difference - take it from one who has "been there, done that"! as I say to you: "Hello, from the other side" and invite you to join me on the path to freedom! <3