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Tracy Medling
May 16, 2018
Peaceful Choices, peace-filled Life
This morning, between the awareness that I was no longer sleeping and the startling realization I REALLY needed to pray for someone...

Tracy Medling
Jan 31, 2018
White as Snow
This morning I woke up in the dark, as usual, and went up the stairs with no lights on to begin my morning devotional time with God. As I...

Tracy Medling
Jan 19, 2018
How do you move a mountain?
What do you do when there is a mountain in your way? The story of Dashrath Manjhi can inspire us. When his wife died because he was...

Tracy Medling
Dec 2, 2017
We ARE the orchestra!
Yesterday morning i woke up with Casting Crowns' song "Oh My Soul" (go ahead and look it up on YouTube, I'll wait.) the lyrics remind me...

Tracy Medling
Nov 18, 2017
One Step Away...
Listening to Casting Crowns’ song “One Step Away” as I woke up this morning began my day, mulling over how grateful I am for God’s...

Tracy Medling
Nov 14, 2017
Love without Great Cost!
A song by Stuart Townsend gives the Good News in such a precise way it cuts through all the distractions of the day: "How deep the...

Tracy Medling
Nov 10, 2017
The Gift of Comfort
Comfort is a gift that is beyond measure in its value. When it is received in times of hardship and pain, it is a refreshment like no...

Tracy Medling
Nov 5, 2017
Social Justice Begins One Heart at a Time
Social justice is Biblical - but its Biblical application is not brought about by division, mandated, administered and imposed by...

Tracy Medling
Oct 31, 2017
Procrastination...maybe later!
I've often had problems dealing with other people's procrastination - but gave little thought to my own. I am often frustrated when other...

Tracy Medling
Oct 22, 2017
A New Wardrobe...
To say "People are flawed" is a no-brainer - we witness and exhibit it every day. But the higher call of being in relationship gives us...
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